Kjúklingurinn sem við voru með í matinn í gær vakti mikla lukku á Snapchat og logaði síminn hjá mér af spurningum varðandi uppskrift af honum ! 😀 Við fundum uppskriftina á netinu og vorum að prufa hana í fyrsta skiptið og heppnaðist hann ótrúlega vel. Þessi réttur verður klárlega á okkar matseðli aftur.
Næst ætlum við að gera bara aðeins meiri sósu og hafa sætar kartöflur og salat með. Sósan var ómótstæðileg og mæli ég 100% með þessum rétti. Þetta var smá maus og tók smá tíma en guuuuð hvað hann var vel þess virði! Meðfylgjandi uppskrift er á ensku en ég nennti ómögulega að þýða hana þar sem flestir skilja ensku ! 😀
— Kjúklingur —
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup chicken broth
1 tbsp garlic, minced
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1.5 cups flour
1.5 cups panko crumbs
1.5 tbsp sesame seeds
1.5 tsp ground ginger (or 1 tbsp fresh ginger)
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cups green onions, chopped
1/2 cups soy sauce
2 eggs (beaten)
2 tbsp cornstarch
2 tbsp sesame oil
3 tbsp rice vinegar
6-8 chicken breasts
vegetable oil for frying
–Sauce & Marinade-
- In a medium saucepan combine: soy sauce, garlic, rice vinegar, ginger, sesame oil, chicken broth, honey, and 1/4 cup brown sugar. Heat on low until the sugar is dissolved. Allow to cool.
- While the marinade cools, clean and cut the chicken into bite size pieces.
- In a large glass dish, combine the chicken and 3/4 cup of the marinade. Save the remaining marinade for the sauce. Refrigerate for at least an hour, while it marinates.
- In the same medium saucepan add the remaining, unused, marinade (1 cup) along with 3/4 cup brown sugar and cornstarch.
- Heat on medium heat while whisking the cornstarch until dissolved.
- Once dissolved, bring the sauce to a boil for 3-4 minutes; the sauce will thicken. Add the sesame seeds and allow to simmer for another couple minutes.
- In a deep fryer or large iron skillet, heat the vegetable oil on medium heat.
- Set up an assembly line for the chicken using separate bowls or zip baggies: flour + garlic and onion powder, eggs, and panko crumbs.
- Dredge the chicken in the flour, then eggs, then panko crumbs. Set aside for frying.
- Cooking in batches, fry the chicken in the preheated oil for 3-5 minutes, until golden brown.
- Place on a paper towel lined plate to absorb excess oil.
- In a large bowl, combine the chicken and sauce. Top with sliced green onions, additional sesame seeds, and serve with rice or noodles.
*Þessi færlsa er ekki kostuð eða unnin í samstarfi*